
[中高等部] ヘアードネーション: 教員断髪式 / Hair donation
















ー 『先生がヘアドネをしたことによって私も前に比べやる気になりました!』



ー 『今回このイベントに参加して先生が髪を切っている姿を見て刺激を受け、思い切ってヘアドネーション同好会に入ることにしました。同好会に入って間もないのですが、これから僕がしてこなかった新しい体験ができるのではと、楽しみにしています。これからヘアドネーション同好会の一員として精進していきたいと思います』



ー 『私は今回、ヘアードネーションのイベントに初めて参加しました。今回、髪を寄付した天海先生は、約2年もの間、髪をのばしていたそうです。それだけの強い思いが子どもたちへと受け継がれていくということの貴重さを、その場で実感することが出来ました。』



ー 『今回ヘアドネーション同好会のイベントで髪を寄付させていただきました。傷んだ髪でも白髪でもかまわないということで、50歳で初参戦です!反響が大きく、さっそく10名を超える入部の希望があったそうです。さすがGKA生ですね!一緒にイベントができて本当に幸せです。ありがとうございました。』

Mrs. Acco’s Hair Donation Day



I am Fuka Hirose from 10B and I am joining the Hair Donation Amateur Club in GKA.

I will briefly explain about this amateur club. We collect hairs around Japan and by cooperating with the Artnature company, we will make a medical wig. We will send it to the children who have to worry about hair for free.

Who noticed that Mrs. Amagai(I am more comfortable with calling her, Mrs. Acco) cut her hair?

I planned and organized a hair donation event for Mrs. Acco on March 9th, 2021.

I want you to hear the warm messages from Mrs. Acco to do this event and I will be very happy if I could spread hair donation more and more. 

※About Covid-19

We occurred this event by paying attention to Covid-19. We sanitized our hands before we touch Mrs. Acco’s hair. We put on masks every time at this event. We took off masks only when we took gathered photos. 


I received the messages from those who attend this event, so please enjoy!! 

Thankyou for the nice messages!


10A Kyoka Hoshino

ー 『I felt more interest when she began to hold on to her long hair!』

10B Yuya Kusano

ー 『By participating in this event and being inspired by seeing Mrs.Amagai cutting her hair, I decided to join the hair donation club. I joined the club recently, but I’m looking forward to discover new experiences that I haven’t had. From now on, I would like to do my best as a member of the Hair Donation Amateur Club.』

Mr. Tatsuki Sakamoto

ー 『I participated in a hair donation event for the first time. Mrs. Amagai, who donated her hair at the event, had grown her hair for 2 years. I realized it is very precious that such a strong will is passed to the children suffering childhood cancer when I see her hair cut and bundled at that event.』


Mrs. Atsuko Amagai

ー 『I joined in the event of the Hair Donation team and donated my hair. This was the first big challenge for a 50 years old me! That was great!! Thank you very much. 』