「GKA x 学芸大 x 慶応大 リモート映画ワークショップ/ GKA x TGU x KEIO Remote Filmmaking」
8月10日から23日にかけて、 夏休み映画ワークショップが開催され、昨年に引き続き本校から有志の生徒が数名参加しました。
今年は、リモートによる映画制作に挑戦し、 大学生がボランティア・ ファシリテーターとして各GKA高校生のチームにはいって共同制 作するという特別な取り組みになりました!
アドバイザーとして中村純子准教授(東京学芸大学) にご協力いただきました。
A summer film workshop was held from August 10 to 23rd and some volunteer students from GKA have participated.
This year, we took on the challenge of filming remotely, and university students joined in each GKA team as facilitators.
There were eight students from Tokyo Gakugei University and two students from Keio University as volunteers.
Associate Professor Sumiko Nakamura (Tokyo Gakugei University) supported us as an advisor.
This year, we took on the challenge of filming remotely, and university students joined in each GKA team as facilitators.
There were eight students from Tokyo Gakugei University and two students from Keio University as volunteers.
Associate Professor Sumiko Nakamura (Tokyo Gakugei University) supported us as an advisor.