
休校中のオンライン家庭学習の紹介 / Our online home learning during the school closure


GKA elementary school went on a total school closure from March caused by the corona virus pandemic.



In March, students usually spend a precious last academic month with their classmates. Then, in April, we hear lively voices of the new Grade 1 students. Unfortunately, this year’s spring turned out to be so quiet.


初等部では、休校中もICTの教員が用意したHome Learning Site(家庭学習サイト)、Google Classroom、Flipgridという動画共有サイトを使って学習を行って来ました。

We implemented online learning mainly using our own Home Learning Site, Google Classroom, and Flipgrid during this school closure.





We are introducing some examples to illustrate our online learning.







①本校独自の家庭学習サイト/Home Learning Site



休校の決定後、本校のICT委員会メンバーを中心に家庭学習用の”Home Learning Site”というwebサイトを設立しました。




Teachers in our ICT committee created a website called “Home Learning Site” for our students to carry on with learning digitally at home. (words highlighted in red are additional. Not sure if it has the same meaning in Japanese)

Videos were uploaded to support students’ home learning. 

The students in the lower grades used this site considering that using tablets or PCs might still be difficult for them at this time.

As an example, our P.E. teachers uploaded dance videos one at a time. They are looking forward to dancing together the moment school reopens.




Please click the photos below to watch the teaching videos.



↓2年生の英語の授業です。 English lesson for Grade 2



↓2年生の国語の授業です。 Japanese language lesson for Grade 2



↓6年生の算数の授業です。 A math lesson for Grade 6



②フィリプグリッドビデオとユーチューブ / Flipgrid video and YouTube Videos




Our teachers recorded and uploaded video lessons on the Google Classroom in our Home Learning Site. Our students in the upper grade used Flipgrid to upload their presentations and debate videos about themes their teachers provided them.

The video below is from G4 student. Please click to watch.




③グーグルクラスルーム / Google Classroom


児童はFlipgridビデオの授業動画で学習した後、Google Classroomで教員から出題された問題やワークシートに解答します。

Our students get more comfortable day-by day as they use the Google Classroom for viewing their  teachers’ lesson videos, messages, announcements as well as solving problems and quizzes on other days.








また、5月に入ってからはGoogle Meetを使い、児童と教員が顔を合わせて話すこともできました。

Google Meetで教員は、児童から近況報告を受けたり、オンライン学習についての感想や質問などを聞き交流しました。


In  May, we have been using Google Meets to virtually  speak with our students face-to-face.

In Google Meets, our teachers and students caught up on their daily lives and the teachers gathered feedback and listened to questions from the students.








初めてのGoogle Meetに最初は緊張気味だった児童も、画面越しとはいえ久しぶりにクラスメイトや教員と顔を合わせたことで徐々に緊張が解け、とても有意義な時間になったようです。

「またGoogle Meetをしたい!」とリクエストする児童もいました。


Some students felt nervous doing the Google Meet at the beginning. They gradually became comfortable seeing faces of their teachers and classmates. They had a meaningful time.

Many students were excited and really enjoyed the conversations. They requested for  more meets.





End of May, we reopened classes only for the Grade 1 students to familiarize them with teachers, staff, other students and learning spaces. We seriously observed thorough hygienic safety and social distancing. Slowly, we are preparing to open our school starting with rotational grades on alternate days to hopefully return to our regular school schedule.