オンライン授業の紹介 / Introduction of some online lessons
In response to Gunma Prefecture’s decision to extend the closure period of prefectural schools until May 31 in order to combat a new type of coronavirus infection, GKA is also in the process of extending its closure period until May 31.
As GKA Secondary School is offering every day lessons online,
we would like to introduce some of our online lessons in this article.
【紹介授業1 Introduction 1:10年生「グローブ」Grade 10 “Globe”】
In Grade 10, through the school’s special class “Globe”, students have been engaged in creative active learning process exploring an issue set by each group and create a documentary film as the final product.
休校期間中は、Yahoo! JAPAN CREATORS 様と連携し、オンライン授業を最大限生かした画期的な試みに挑戦しています。
During this closure period, under the collaboration with Yahoo! JAPAN CREATORS Program, students are exploring and expressing SDGs related issues.
4月24日・5月8日の授業には、SDGsの課題の理解と表現を授業テーマに、Yahoo! Creatorsのスタッフの方を講師としてお招きし、オンライン上で、生徒たちがグループでプレゼンテーションを行うとともに、「STOP地球温暖化の#ハッシュタグを考える」というワークショップを行いました。
On 24th April and 8th May, we invited a staff of Yahoo Creators as a guest lecturer and students held group presentations and have been engaged in the workshop “to think about the #hashtag to stop the Global Warming” online.
We truly thank Yahoo! Japan for collaborating with us.



生徒たちのオンラインプレゼンテーション2Students’ presentation 2
【紹介授業2 Introduction 2:11年生IBコース「TOK(知の理論)」Grade 11 IB Course “TOK”】
TOK(Theory of Knowledge=知の理論)は、IBディプロマ・プログラムにおけるコア科目の一つであり、
TOK (Theory of Knowledge) is a very distinctive subject in the IB Program and one of the core subjects in the IB Diploma Program where all IB students learn how to think critically by analyzing multiple perspectives of how we know things in the real world.
The video below is the lesson conducted to the new Grade 11 IB students to introduce the basics of TOK.
In this lesson, students were introduced to the two major types of knowledge in the class: personal and shared knowledge, drew their own map of the world, and then reflected on any personal bias or shared biases in the discussion within groups (which do not record from Zoom so cannot be seen here).