文化祭準備 2/Culture festival preparation 2
2019年度のGKAの文化祭【Different continents, different country, Yet one soul】が6月29日(土)に開催されます。土曜日にもかかわらず、多くの生徒が忙しく準備を行っている姿を見ました。我々教員としても、文化祭を通しての生徒の活躍や成長が楽しみです。
GKA culture festival 2019【Different continents, Different country, Yet one soul 】 will be held on June 29th. This Saturday, many students were seen in school, being busy with preparations. As faculty members, we are quite pleased to see students shine and grow through the culture festival.
- The culture festival poster created by Nishikawa Shima in 8D
- The making escape game (9C)
- The making monument
- The stage lighting (to be continued…)