
理科の授業からの風景 / A Scenery from Science Lesson


水を入れたバケツを手で押して、動いた距離を測る生徒達 / Students pushing a bucket of water and measuring the distance moved



One day, some grade 9 students were doing something fun outside school building with a bucket and a cart. They said it was a part of science lesson and they were trying to carry out an experiment to prove the relationship between force and movement of an object.

Designing experiments by themselves is one of the features of MYP Science. In traditional Science lessons, experiments are instructed by teachers and students follow it to check the results. However, designing an experiment to prove a natural phenomena can be a powerful task to develop students’ logical and creative thinking skills.

Of course, it is not so easy to come up with a perfect way of experiment. As you can see in this photo, students struggled to push the cart with the same force by their hands. Even so, students looked enjoying to carry out their “experiment” very much, I asked them for the permission to take a photo. I think students will remember this experience of try-and-error for a long time.