
初等部座談会2 / Secondary Principal’s Casual Talk Session 2

2019年11月12日、初等部において今年度第2回となる「初等部座談会」を開催いたしました。中高等部校長の金子より、 初等部を中心とした保護者の皆様に対して、カジュアルな雰囲気の中で子育ての参考となるような話をさせていただきました。





On November 12th, 2019, the Secondary Principal’s Casual Talk Session was held at the Elementary School. This was the second time that this session has been held this year and the topic was what we adults should bear in my when we raise our children.

“What makes the difference between students who are growing well and those who are not?”

“How should adults around students support them in order to develop them?”

Mr. Kaneko talked about these topics. We have uploaded the video of his talk here. We hope all parents, regardless of their children’s grades, will find the presentation helpful.