キャリア甲子園2019 / Career Koshien 2019
全国から1,090チームが参加したこの大会で、GKA10年生は参加した23チーム中、 7チームが1次予選(書類審査)を通過しました 。全1次予選通過チーム数は140チームであり、1校あたりの予選通過チーム数としては全国4位でした。
ビジネスプランを議論する現代社会の授業風景より / Students discussing business plans in G10 CS lesson
書類審査通過チーム(企画応募先企業)/ The teams that passed the preliminary round
宇澤 知里 Uzawa Chiri、平間 琉愛 Hirama Rua、髙井 まひろ Takai Mahiro
出井 心響 Idei Kokone、近藤 理穏 Kondo Rion
山岸 素仁彩 Yamagishi Sonya Kate 、石井 絵麻 Ishii Emma、瀧田 二希 Takita Niki
寺田 雪乃 Terada Yukino、 首藤 香保 Shudo Kaho
瀧澤 笑 Takizawa Emi 、吉良 明海里 Kira Akari
青山 柊太朗 Aoyama Shutaro 、片山 大河 Katayama Taiga、小板橋 瑛斗 Koitabashi Akito
スリラタナプラパス 友梨香 Sriratanaprapas Yurika、髙橋 七海 Takahashi Nanami
As a part of G10 Contemporary Society class, students participated in a business plan contest named “Career Koshien”
In this contest, students tackle real-life problems in teams. They must create business plans that are designed to create solutions for their problem.
The competition attracted 1,090 teams from across Japan. Out of the 23 GKA teams who participated, 7 teams passed first qualifying. The number of teams in total who passed first qualifying was 140, meaning that GKA was the fourth most successful school in the country. .
Regardless of whether or not they passed qualifying, all of the students’ plans were very well thought out. For real-world problems where there is no single correct answer, students collaborated with others and looked for convincing solutions through regular discussions. GKA Social Studies Department would like to continue to cherish this kind of learning experience.
<The website of the contest>