
OECD グローバル・フォーラムへの参加 / Participation in the OECD Global Forum

10月11日にOECD=経済協力開発機構の国際フォーラムが高崎市で開かれ、社会性と情動性に学習(SEL: Social emotional learning)に関して、各国の専門家や県内の高校生たちが議論を交わしました。以下は各メディアの報道です。





On October 11, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) International Forum was held in Takasaki City, where experts from various countries and high school students from Gunma Prefecture engaged in discussions on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). The following is the media coverage:

Four students and one teacher from GKA participated. Below are the students’ reflections.



The content that influenced me the most during the OECD global forum was about the relationship between learning and well-being. Our group mainly discussed why students have low self-esteem and feel embarrassed of making mistakes. These things are common for Japanese students, and we concluded that we can make more school events that give them opportunities to work by themselves. It would help them to gain confidence which is important if they are going to take initiative for social improvement. Through the discussion with the OECD moderators and notetakers having a lot of knowledge, and students from other schools learning in different environments, we could contribute to giving new perspectives on the purpose and process of learning. I could appreciate the education that I am now getting at GKA, and think of new learning that should be made in the near future for both students and teachers’ well-being. Lastly, I want to deepen the things that I learned in the OECD global forum, and contribute to developing education.




The most favorite word that I heard on this day was the answer to the question of how we design learning environments to bring out autonomy and social-emotional skills by Dr Carol Inugai Dyxon. She said that we need a comfortable fluffy sofa, nice and beautiful view, fresh air and snacks. I strongly thought that I wanted to become an adult who could see things from a child’s perspective without forgetting the aspirations and feelings we had when we were children. Also, when we discussed how learners need to be changed and I said we need to be conscious about what we learnt in the class in daily life, she agreed saying that since everything we live is learning, we shouldn’t make even one person hate studying. Everyone I met that day was someone who wished for the happiness of each and every child by improving education. Every time I received a valuable word which is flexible and pleasant,  my heart was filled with emotion, and I was reluctant to leave the place. Thank you so much to everyone for giving me this opportunity.





Through this OECD Global Forum Gunma Site Visit, I felt that there are a lot of issues in Japanese education. At this event, we discussed Japanese education from the students’ perspective with a total of nine people, including the OECD official , the superintendent of education, teachers, and students from Gunma Prefecture. As I listened to the students’ complaints and opinions about their schools, I noticed that they were very worried about university entrance exams, and I felt that high schools had become facilities that simply packed students with studying for university entrance exams. I think that schools should originally aim to develop personality, such as independence and curiosity, in order to live in society, as the OECD advocates. However, high schools are only making students study in order to acquire the academic ability required by universities and companies, and I don’t think that’s wrong. High schools are just reflecting the evaluation standards required by universities, companies, and society. Japan may indeed be at the top of the world in terms of academic ability, but I feel that they are forgetting important things other than academic ability. In order to change this situation, I think that not only high schools but the entire society should evaluate students’ humanity and personality more, not just their academic ability. If they do that, high school education will surely change naturally. This was the first time I was able to think deeply about education, and I am proud to have been able to participate in the OECD Global Forum Gunma Site Visit as a student. It was also fun to interact with people with different perspectives, and it was a very meaningful time that gave me the opportunity to deepen my own thoughts. I will use this opportunity to try to deepen my own thoughts about education in Japan.






“Discover and equip SEL to be successful”

In the age of AI, neuroscience data shows that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills (core foundation of education, a holistic approach to competency) can be taught as part of a school curriculum. Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reich, who has researched SEL and neuroscience for the past 30 years, left a lasting impression on me with her research about the well-being link between teacher and students, how SEL predicts lifelong success, and how it  is more durable than IQ score. 

What do we learn, how do we grow, and how do we create the future of 2030? With multiple stakeholders, we discussed various aspects of SEL, including the Teaching Compass, the changes required for students and educators, and the ideal learning environments.

I thought about the question: “How should SEL be applied to students from different cultures and backgrounds?” In a world filled with students of various nationalities, genders, ages, races, or religions, there are countless numbers of learning and teaching styles. I learned that it is crucial for both students and educators to be a lifelong inquirer and develop adaptability, and engage with a diverse group of people to continue research in education. 

Personally, I have an interest in educational support and equity. From the insights gained at this forum, I aim to provide support at the Pre-MYP program (after-school learning support for elementary students) by observing the needs of participants each year, and ensuring that I develop and adapt my approach. I also hope to deepen my understanding of SEL as a Japanese IB student.



社会情動的学習と脳神経学の研究を30年続けているKimberly Schonert-Reich教授が実際にカナダで行った実験やリサーチで得たデータを元に、これまで個々の性格や特性だとされて来たものが、カリキュラムとして学べるようになったというお話が印象に残っています。

私たちは何を学び、どのように成長し、2030年の未来を創造するのか?多様な教育のステークホルダーと共に、社会情動的学習(Social Emotional Learning)に関連した視点から、指導のあり方(Teaching Compass)や、生徒と教員に求められる変化、学習環境の在り方などについて話し合いました。

