
Club Activity: Minecraft Cup


Minecraftカップコンテスト参加メンバーは、8月に作品を提出しました。その結果、予選を通過し、地区大会に行くことが決まりました。Minecraft Cupのサイトに行き、GKA Rangersにtぴ評してくださった皆様、ありがとうございます。

2回戦は、北関東信州ブロックの地区大会となり、今年度は高崎市で開催されます。GKA Rangers 16名のうち、14名がオーストラリア短期留学に参加するため、10月20日(日)にの大会には参加できません。



The members of the Minecraft Cup contest team submitted their contest entry for the 2024 contest back in August. We found out this month that our team has passed to the second round of the competition.  Thank you so much to anyone who visited the Minecraft Cup website and voted for the GKA Rangers.


Round 2 is the regional finals for the Kita-Kanto area, and this year the contest will be held in Takasaki.  Unfortunately, on Sunday, October 20th, 14 out of our 16 team members will be in Australia for their homestay trip.

For that reason, we pre-recorded our speech and sent it to the judging committee.   We also have a one minute preview video of our contest work.  We’d like to share our work with you.

It’s hard to say what the odds are of going to the final round while missing Round 2, but regardless of what happens we are very proud of our students’ hard work.