
Grade 5: Stream Tables



 他の科学実験と同様、2つのテーブルの条件は、測定する変数以外については同一にしてあります。各チームは、斜面の角度を変えたり、カーブした道を変えたり、川底の大きな岩の影響を調べたりしました。写真は、水の量を測り、ストップウォッチで水の流れる時間を計り、ビデオに記録している様子です。 最終的には、報告書をまとめるために有用なデータをたくさん集めることができました。また、泥だらけの土の中で作業したり(遊んだり)して、とても楽しい時間を過ごしていました。

Grade 5: Science

The 5th graders are currently studying the properties of rivers.  They have learned how rivers can transport sediment and cause erosion to the riverbanks.  To test their theories, the students built stream tables – special scientific tools for observing the erosion properties of water flow.  Using soil from the GKA gardens and a flat board, the students carefully set up their experiments.  

Like all good science experiments, the conditions of the two tables were the same except for the variable that they were measuring. Teams tested different slope angles, different curved paths, or the effect of large rocks on the riverbed.  They measured amounts of water, timed the water flow with a stopwatch and recorded video evidence of their work.  In the end, they were able to gather lots of useful data to use in their lab reports.  Also, they had a great time working and playing in the muddy soil.