
Pre-School: Summer Day Camp


GKAプレスクールは、今年度のサマーデイキャンプを終えました。例年通り年中児と年長児向けにデザインされたものとなります。参加した子どもたちは、5日間GKA初等部に来て、初等部の先生たちや中高等部のボランティア生徒たちといっしょに、Music and Movementの活動、Arts and Craftsの活動、Reading and Literacyの活動を行いました。


GKA Preschool has just finished this year’s Summer Camp. This summer program is for children of two age groups; 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds. Children came to GKA for five days to explore Music and Movement, Arts and Crafts, and Beginning Reading with the help of GKA faculty and student volunteers from the GKA secondary school. It’s nice to have our “big kids” come back to the elementary school to help out.

This year’s summer campers enjoyed many activities, where they could move their bodies and explore their creativity, all while practicing English. Their happiness is evident in their smiling faces.