6年生社会科 ウガンダについて知ろう!ワークショップ Grade 6 : Social Studies ” Let’s Know Uganda” Workshop

On April 19, the 6th Graders participated in a special class in the gym as part of their Social Studies.
Ms. Maruoka, a teacher who went to Uganda as a JICA volunteer and Mr. Obed, a GKA Preschool teacher from Uganda, conducted a workshop entitled “What kind of country is Uganda?”
Grade 6 students learned about Uganda’s language, costumes, transportation, food, and elementary school classes by looking at actual photos and participating in quizzes. They were very surprised at the various environments and cultures so very different from those in Japan. Some aspects of the family and educational environments were particularly thought-provoking. In the latter half of the session, they worked in groups to imagine what the future would be like without education, and learned why education is so important.
At the end of the session, Mr. Obed talked about how fortunate we are in the present environment and how fortunate we are to be able to avail of education.
Grade 6 students felt close to Uganda and realized that the issues Ugandans are facing cannot be ignored.
They learned so much about Uganda in this workshop. However, this is not the end of the story. Some volunteer students from Grade 6 will start working to improve the situation in Uganda. We will continue to introduce their activities here.