
R6 サイエンスフェア・2024 Grades 3-6 Science Fair





In one of this year’s experiments, G3 students investigated how a car’s distance changed when the force of the wind hitting it was altered. Consequently, the students were tasked with designing their wind-powered cars. They utilized various materials such as paper plates, thin plastic sheets, and other suitable materials for constructing sails for their wind-powered vehicles. They were reminded that their cars should be the fastest to reach the goal or travel the farthest distance.

The competition for each class took place on March 21st in Science Room 2 under the supervision of the Science teachers. The class was divided into 9 groups, each comprising 3-4 members. In the first round, students competed within their respective groups, with the winners advancing to the subsequent round. Similarly, winners of the second round progressed to the final round. Certificates, small trophies, and a medal were awarded to the top three winners, acknowledging their exceptional efforts in creating their best wind-powered cars.



G4 students were challenged to create their toys using recycled materials available at home or school, while also being able to explain the scientific concepts behind their creations. These concepts were drawn from their lessons in both G3 and G4. Most students devised toys involving magnets, electricity, air pressure, and constellations. On the final day of the Science Fair, they played with the toys they had created as a class. Finally, each participant received a certificate of achievement, recognizing their dedication and hard work.


3月の第2週、理科の授業中に、電磁石コンテストの3回戦を行いました。これは、5学年理科で学んできたことを生かすプロジェクトベースの学習です。多くのグループが、コイルにまいた回数が電磁石の強さに直接影響することに気づきました。 「電磁石は、ワイヤーのコイルにある巻いた数が多ければ多いほど、あるいは電流が多ければ多いほど、強くなる」という重要な概念です。今年の最高記録は、制限時間内でひきつけたクリップの数が11,047個でした!



During the second week of March, we conducted three rounds of the electromagnet competition during the students’ science classes. This served as the culminating project-based assessment for Grade 5 Science. Many groups observed that the number of loops directly impacted the strength of the electromagnet. A key concept emerged: an electromagnet’s strength increases with more loops in the wire coil or higher current flow. This year’s highest record stands at 11,047 paper clips! Congratulations to all participants!


3年生の頃から電気について次のような学習をしてきました。回路とは何か、直列・並列つなぎについて、ワイヤー接続が反転したときにモーターがどのように回転するか、電磁石についてなどです。 6年生では、コンデンサについても学びました。その集大成として、児童は3学年え学習したような、リサイクル素材や電動工具などを利用して、学んできたことを生かす学習活動をおこないました。賞状やメダルがもらえなかったとしても、限られた時間、知識、リソースの中であっても、最後まで課題に取り組み貴重な体験となったと思います。子ども達は、リサーチすることから新しいことを学び、一生懸命に取り組むことで、自分達の作品を徐々に改良していくことができることを実感できたと思います。

Since Grade 3, students have been studying electricity, learning about circuits, series and parallel connections, motor rotation through wire reversal, and electromagnets. In Grade 6, they delved into condensers. As a culminating activity, we allowed students to apply their Grade 3 knowledge using recycled materials, electrical tools, and items from the science room. While medals and certificates were awarded, we value the invaluable experience of perseverance, knowledge acquisition, and resourcefulness the most. As science progresses through research and hard work, students learn that their early designs can always be improved.