
第1回GKA電動おもちゃプロジェクト(3月) 1st GKA Electric Toy Project (in March)




Since they were in grade 3, the students have been learning about electricity. They learned about what a circuit is, series and parallel circuits, how a motor rotates when the wire connections are flipped, and electromagnets. In grade 6, they learned about condensers.

As a culminating activity, we thought of letting the students make use of what they learned from grade 3 using recycled materials and electricity tools and materials from the science room.

Although medals and certificates will be awarded, the invaluable experience of persevering through the limited time (9 periods), knowledge, and resources are what we value the most. As science continues to discover new things and improve bit by bit through research and hard work, the students learned that their prototypes can be improved and made better.


<Doll House ドールハウス>


<Pythagoras’ Switch ピタゴラスイッチ>


<Eye-hand Cordination Game 目と手の連動ゲーム>


<Ecological Mobile Charger  エコロジーなモバイル充電器>


<traffic safety toy 交通安全のおもちゃ>


<DIY Lamp DIYランプ>


<Tiny Boat 小さい船>


<Rotating Aquarium 回転式水族館>