English Immersion Education is considered the best approach to achieve “English language acquisition” without losing opportunities to live with the family in Japan and deepen the Japanese culture, language and identity as Japanese” as an exchange. Student guidance by English-speaking teachers from more than ten different countries
and Japanese teachers of rich experience abroad allows students to gain multilateral and flexible ideas and critical thinking skills. Even though parents initially decided to send their child to GKA for the purpose of English language acquisition, the students eventually shift their interest from language acquisition to contents learned in English and an appreciation of their values.
Teachers and staff of very different backgrounds aim to nurture students who craft their own path in the global arena. We think of every student as a responsible human being.
We truly believe that after twelve years parents will be satisfied with their decision to choose this program for their children.
Mr. Hiromichi Nozawa, Vice Principal

Can you imagine what your child will be like 12 years from now?
Children grow from day to day. Their development is fostered through learning new things, obtaining new knowledge, and developing relationships with teachers, schoolmates, and many other people. By encountering problems, worries, and a broad range of things, they develop their own unique characters. They do this not only by embracing enjoyable situations, but also by using all their strength to cope with difficult problems. As a teacher, I feel very fortunate that I am able to support students while they are going through this process. I would like us to think, worry, laugh, and learn together!
How will your children spend their school lives? Our unified elementary and secondary school program will encourage them to take the initiative and create their own futures. I look forward to seeing your children in another twelve years; seeing them grow into mature individuals who can decide for themselves “what to do next, now that they have acquired the ability to use English”.
Ms. Jillian Uchiyama(UK)
I'm proud to be a member of the teaching team at G.K.A. Learning in English is, of course, one of the key features of our program. Moreover students in our school are exposed to many cultures and learning styles, thanks to the diversity of our teaching staff. This helps them to become flexible learners. It also helps to develop an understanding and acceptance of each individual's unique character and in turn will deepen their self-awareness.
Students at G.K.A. are encouraged to question things and to express their ideas and opinions openly and to listen to the views of others. This unique learning style will no doubt pave the way for global citizens of the future.
Ms. Chikage Morishita

As a Japanese teacher, I believe that it is very important to interact with students in Japanese. Japanese is important not only for Japanese Language Arts and Social Studies lessons, but also for times when the need to touch students’ hearts with Japanese words is necessary.
I begin my lessons with greetings. Students and I greet each other by saying, “Yoroshiku Onegai shimasu.” I explain to the students, “This greeting implies that I intend to teach my best, so please take as much from this lesson as you can.” When we finish lessons I say, “Arigatou gozaimasita”. Again, I explain to the students, “This conveys my feelings of gratitude to you all for listening and studying so well”. Students eventually learn to greet each other naturally through practice and repetition.
I am able to teach students the value of courtesy and consideration through lessons taught in Japanese. It allows me to touch the hearts of my students in Japanese.
When I see students move from the lower grades to the upper grades, I see them taking care of our younger students and participating in activities at the Secondary School. I’m so thankful for all of their hard work.
Mr. Shota Sunaga

What kind of world will we live in when today's children become active in society? In 10 or 20 years, what will our society resemble? Our school's educational philosophy is to "nurture thinkers with the skills and knowledge necessary to be leaders in a global society that continues to change daily. In an era of rapid change and unpredictability, we want our students to "become persons who can play an active role not only in Japan but also in the world and international community.
We believe that many people feel a "language barrier" when communicating in an international society, and one of the best options to remove such a " barrier" is through immersion programs, which help students develop both practical English language skills whilst simultaneously improving their Japanese language skills. It is also our belief that language learning allows students to learn about different countries and the world beyond. Learning a language will give you both a new perspective and will also lead you to a multidimensional perspective of the values that are taken for granted in both Japan and in your own life. We look forward to seeing our students break down their "language barriers" through their studies at GKA, and gain a multifaceted view of society, to play an active role as leaders in creating a better society.
Ms. Chandra Lowery (USA)
At GKA, your child will become more creative, more expressive and more confident through studying music. Our belief is that the process of learning music is very similar to the process of learning language. At GKA, your child will develop their potential in music through activities like singing, moving, playing, creating, and improvising.
Our music curriculum is special in that we use "Jump Right In: The General Music Series"and "Jump Right In: The Instrumental Series". These coordinated curricula are being used successfully in school districts across the United States, Asia and Europe. We are currently the only school to use it in Japan. This groundbreaking method will develop your child's "inner instrument" as well as the actual musical instrument he or she will eventually learn to play.
Mr. Tshering Dorji(Bhutan)

It is a real privilege to be part of this only multicultural and bilingual school in Japan. For me, the most satisfying reward of teaching in this school has been witnessing my students do amazing things every day using their second language and seeing them grow into a responsible, independent, and inquisitive learner.
I find profound joy on a daily basis whenever my students come and tell me with contentment in their voice and a smile on their face, “Mr. Dorji, I did it! ” “Mr. Dorji, I love math!” “Mr. Dorji, I want to learn more in ELA.
Teach me more!” Mr. Dorji, it’s recess time. I want to play the tag game with you again,” and so on.
Each child comes with unique abilities and learns differently. I firmly believe and strive hard in providing a supportive, happy, and caring learning environment for my students in which each child can attain their full potential and flourish with knowledge, values, and skills that are the attributes of a productive global citizen.
Their achievements in life are also the source of my satisfaction and happiness.
Join us in the learning adventure at GKA!