Transfer for Elementary School

Elementary - Acceptance of transfer students


The latest information on our policy regarding transfer students will appear here in PDF format.

At GKA, 70% of the instruction is given in English. Thus, our students’ English abilities get higher as they advance to the higher grade. For this reason, transfer students are expected to be well prepared for classes taught in English. Also, as the instructions for Japanese Language Arts and Social Studies are in Japanese, transfer students are also expected to be fluent in Japanese. Please check out the information below regarding qualifications for transfer students.

※New grade 1 students are required to take an entrance examination in the fall prior to the April start of school. Entrance into the junior high and senior high school is by entrance examinations and interviews for transfer students only.


  1. Children whose English ability which is about the average level of GKA students in the same age/grade and children who have lived abroad (or currently residing abroad and are planning to come back to Japan).
  2. Children whose ability in Math, Japanese Language Arts, and other subjects meets or exceeds average GKA students of the same age/grade level
  3. As a policy, students’ commuting time should be about 1 hour from their home to school when they are admitted.

Available Openings

Applicants will be considered only if there is an available space in the grade. Please contact Admissions for information regarding your child’s grade.

Transfer Student Waiting List Registration

If your child is qualified to apply to GKA, he/she will take the admission exams for transfer students scheduled around July and January every year. This depends on availability. (Examination covers Japanese Language Arts, Math, English, and interviews with the parents and the applicant (child).

  • Please check the requirements in the above “Qualifications”. If your child fulfills the requirements, please sign up on our Waiting List Registration Form below
  • Please note that registration can be made only once per Japanese school year (April to March) for each applicant. (Entrance exam cannot be offered more than once for an applicant within a school year.)
  • Please note that your registration is effective for only one Japanese school year (April to March). If you wish to continue to be on the waiting list for the following school year, please register again.

Registration Form

Registration Form for Residents Abroad

*For people accessing from abroad

Please fill out the form below and send it to to be registered on the waiting list.


School Age (For April 2025 – March 2026 School Year)

Current Graders DOB from
Current 1st Graders DOB from 2018.4.2 to 2019.4.1
Current 2nd Graders DOB from 2017.4.2 to 2018.4.1
Current 3rd Graders DOB from 2016.4.2 to 2017.4.1
Current 4rd Graders DOB from 2015.4.2 to 2016.4.1
Current 5th Graders DOB from 2014.4.2 to 2015.4.1
Current 6th Graders DOB from 2013.4.2 to 2014.4.1
Current 7th Graders DOB from 2012.4.2 to 2013.4.1
Current 8th Graders DOB from 2011.4.2 to 2012.4.1
Current 9th Graders DOB from 2010.4.2 to 2011.4.1
Current 10th Graders

DOB from 2009.4.2 to 2010.4.1

Contact Information
Gunma Kokusai Academy: Students Admission
TEL: 0276-33-7711 FAX: 0276-33-7710 E-mail :