Transfer for Secondary school
Acceptance of transfer students
※Transfer examination infomation.
The transfer examinations for this academic year have been completed.
Information for the year 2025 will be updated again around May.
Transfer examination dates (for students wishing to transfer in April 2025)
Application Period : From December 16 to 20, 2024
Exam Date : January 23, 2025 (Reserve day 24)
You can download them below
2024 Guidlines for Application of Transfer students ☆Tuition &Other Expence
At GKA, 70% of the instruction is given in English. Thus, our students’ English abilities get higher as they advance to the higher grade. For this reason, transfer students are expected to be well prepared for classes taught in English. Also, as the instructions for Japanese Language Arts and a part of Social Studies are in Japanese, transfer students are also expected to be fluent in Japanese. Please check out the information below regarding qualifications for transfer students.
※New grade 1 students are required to take an entrance examination in the fall prior to the April start of school. Entrance into the junior high and senior high school is by entrance examinations and interviews for transfer students only.
- Minimum TOEFL Jr. score of 700 for junior high applicants or minimum score of 780 for senior high school applicans. (Or equivalent English language skills.)
- For students whose mother ton mother tongue is not Japanese, Japanese Language Proficiency Test N3 equivalent
- Students who are able to transfer in April for curriculum reasons.
Transfer Student Registration
If you are interested in transferring, please check the application guidelines and register in the registration form below.
- Please note that registration can be made only once per Japanese school year (April to March) for each applicant. (Entrance exam cannot be offered more than once for an applicant within a school year.)
- Please note that your registration is effective for only one Japanese school year (April to March). If you wish to continue to be on the waiting list for the following school year, please register again.
*For people accecing from aboad
Please fill out the form below and send it to to be registered on the waiting list.
School Age (For April 2022 – March 2023 School Year)
Current Graders | DOB from |
Current 7th Graders | DOB from 2012.4.2 to 2013.4.1 |
Current 8th Graders | DOB from 2011.4.2 to 2012.4.1 |
Current 9th Graders | DOB from 2010.4.2 to 2011.4.1 |
Current 10th Graders | DOB from 2009.4.2 to 2010.4.1 Or those born before this. |
Contact Information
Gunma Kokusai Academy Secondary school : Students Admission
Secondary School School TEL: 0276-47-7711 FAX: 0276-47-7710 E-mail
Junior High School Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees
Enrollment fee | 300,000 yen |
Tuition | 70,000 yen /mo. (840,000yen/yr.) |
Facility fee | 110,000 yen /yr. (55,000 yen in Apr. /Oct.) |
School Lunch fee | ———– — |
Welfare fee | 6,000 yen /yr. (in Apr.) |
Study Materials fee | 35,000 yen /yr. (in Apr.) |
Others | Additional fees for summer & winter uniforms, a school bag, sportswear, indoor shoes and translated printing cost of textbooks are expected. |
(Applicable from students starting in April 2025)
Senior High School Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees
Enrollment fee | 300,000 yen |
Tuition | 71,000 yen /mo. (852,000yen/yr.) [ ∗1 ] |
Facility fee | 110,000 yen /yr. (55,000 yen in Apr. /Oct.) |
Welfare fee | 6,000 yen /yr. (in Apr.) |
Study Materials fee | 41,000 yen /yr. (in Apr.) |
IB fee | 40,000 yen /mo. (480,000yen/yr.) For IBDP fee |
Others | Additional fees for summer & winter uniforms, a school bag, sportswear, indoor shoes and are expected. |
[ ∗1 ] Gunma prefecture provides support fund according to parents’ income under the “High School Enrolment Support Fund System”.
(Applicable from students starting in April 2025)
School Uniform
Secondary School Uniform (Summer)

Junior High School and High School students uniforms are the same, except for the neck tie. Uniforms, both skirts and slacks, can be chosen at the discretion of the individual.
Secondary School Uniform (Winter)

Junior High School girls wear a tie. High School girls may wear a tie or ribbon.